Let’s Not Get Legalistic

Let’s talk about quiet time. Or Jesus-time, solitude, prayer time, being in the Word, devotional time, whatever you prefer to call it. Maybe just hearing those words makes you cringe. Maybe you think of super early mornings long before the sun has risen, dedicated study time, and unnatural lengths of quietness.


Maybe these practices that were modeled for you bordered on, or were flat out, legalistic. Maybe they were driven by the wrong heart motives. Maybe you were raised with the message that if you really loved Jesus, you would be engaging in these early morning rituals.


But, maybe that’s just not your cup of tea. Maybe that doesn’t fit with your personality. Maybe it feels like just one more thing you’re supposed to be doing to be a “good” Christian.


I’ve heard a plethora of individuals pushing back on this concept of quiet time, as they state that it’s unbiblical, that scripture doesn’t specifically state we have to have quiet time. While scripture may not specifically use our lingo of the 21st century to describe our cup of coffee, cozy chair in the corner, or favorite devotional on our lap, it gives plenty of guidance on how we are to be in relationship with Jesus.


We are to seek His face (1 Chronicles 16:11).

We are to fix our eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2).

We are told to pray for one another (James 5:16).

We are to seek the Lord and His strength (Psalm 105:4).

We are told to pray in every situation and without ceasing (Philippians 4:6-7; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).


Our personal and public lives are an overflow and reflection

of our personal time and intimacy with Jesus.


Maybe your Jesus time is hiking in the woods. Maybe your Jesus time is while you’re doing the dishes. Maybe your Jesus time is on your commute to work. Maybe your Jesus time is tucked away in a closet after all the little ones have been tucked in bed. Maybe your Jesus time is on your lunch break sitting in your car.


It doesn’t matter where it is or what it looks like. We weren’t created the same so our time with Him shouldn’t look the same either. What matters is that you’re intentionally seeking Him. You’re intentionally creating space to nurture and pour into that relationship. Because, hey, the Creator of the Universe WANTS to be in relationship with you! How amazing is that?!?


Maybe life has swallowed you whole recently and this relationship has taken a back seat. That’s okay. Your Father is still waiting. He’s ready when you are. No shame. No guilt. He’s just waiting for you to turn back to Him.


How can you create more space for this relationship in your day-to-day life?


Be free,





Pull Out the Weeds