Manna for Today

If you’re anything like me, you’re a planner. You like to have not just a Plan B, but plans ranging all the way from A-Z because, hey, life’s a little crazy, and you better be prepared! Spreadsheets and color-coded sticky notes galore are your best friends. You can’t go wrong with twenty-six different plans. Or, that’s the hope anyway. And, let’s just be real, I’m one who totally prefers my creature comforts and would rather not be stuck in a less than desirable situation.


However, as I was recently reminded from a mentor, our manna is for today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Only for today. Our manna is for our present condition.


My mentor and I were discussing an upcoming challenging conversation that was to be had, and I was to the point of feeling physically sick over the upcoming event. All of the “what ifs” were on full force swirling in my mind. If this happened, how would I respond to it? If someone said this, would I have the words to respond? If this question was asked, would I know the correct answer?


I was focused on if I would have the manna for that future point in time, not what my manna for today was.


The Israelites know a little something about focusing on the manna for today. They were given clear instructions from Moses to gather for their families only what they needed for that day. On the sixth day, in preparation for the Sabbath, they were to gather for the seventh as well. If they tried to take things into their own hands, quite literally, the manna would rot.


God’s provision is always adequate for the present.


While it’s responsible to make certain preparations for the future, e.g., planning out your family dinners, seeking wisdom for professional changes, making financial decisions, etc., we can’t get lost in the future world. We have to stay firmly grounded in the what is now—the present. That’s where He is faithful to meet us and to provide.


I was anxious about this upcoming conversation because I was focused on the manna that I had for today and was trying to compare it to an unknown future need. I was trying to plan for and to control my abilities in the future.


Today’s manna would never be enough for that future conversation because it wasn’t designed for it. My job was to trust that when the day did come, my daily manna would be equally sufficient.


Sister, how do you need to start trusting in your manna for today?


Be free,



Into the Light


Guard Your Heart