Success Isn’t a Solo Journey
The stars were twinkling, and the air was crisp. A train whistle sounded in the distance. Only a few city lights could be seen glimmering in the distance across the rolling expanse of darkness. In the midst of the stillness, coyotes’ piercing howls ebbed and flowed across the landscape. Contrary to popular belief, even though coyotes typically hunt alone, they do live in family groups with a life-long mate.
I was staying on a ranch outside of Santa Fe with a business mastermind. This mastermind is comprised of a small group of incredible women that I’ve been doing life with while navigating the business world for the last several years. We address the logistical aspects of business—fun topics like taxes, hiring employees, and revenue—but we also cheer each other on. They’ve become some of my biggest supporters and provide an invaluable sounding board for growing and maintaining my businesses.
Self-made business owner. Self-made woman. Self-made millionaire. Self-made [insert your own descriptor here]. Everywhere we look, we hear the term self-made thrown around regularly. Self-made is a point of pride. It’s synonymous with being self-sufficient. Independent. Confident. Competent. Accomplished.
Self-made is often what we’re told we need to be: Someone who pulls themselves up by their own bootstraps, not just someone who was given all of the finer things or opportunities in life. It’s someone who has become successful by their own efforts.
But here’s the reality: Self-made is a total myth.
It doesn’t exist. Regardless of what you’ve been told or heard or seen, it’s only an illusion. I don’t care what the story is or the person or the case example held up for review, if you take a closer look, I’m certain you’ll find that this person is indeed not self-made.
More likely the reality? There’s been countless individuals along the way who’ve supported, taught, helped, encouraged, guided, and propped up this “self-made person.” We aren’t born with the innate knowledge to be successful; we have to learn it along the way.
Maybe you had a childhood mentor who taught you how far a little grit and determination can carry you. Or maybe you watched someone from afar, who looked similar to you, crushing their goals and setting a model for what you, too, could achieve. Or maybe you had a business acquaintance teach you the ins and outs of tax codes, S-corps, and W-2s.
Whatever the situation, there’s always been someone. Even if it’s just the client on the other end of the phone providing us our first sale. We need people. Even when, just like the coyote, we’re out hunting solo, we need a community to return to.
As women in business, the path can indeed feel like a solo journey. Maybe you’ve looked to your left and to your right, and it doesn’t seem like there’s anyone there helping you along the way. Maybe you’re still searching for your community. Here’s the good news: They do exist. Don’t give up the hunt prematurely. It might be in the form of a colleague, a mastermind, a business consultant, or a coach.
Looking for someone to join you on this journey? If you’re ready, I’m ready to dive into this work with you! Schedule your FREE 30min Intro Call here.
Be free,