Your Testimony, His Story

Recently, I was having a conversation with some high school girls. One of them, Molly, had been asked to share her testimony at church in front of the youth group. She reported that she was really nervous to do so because she feared the backlash from peers who had the “more intense” or “cooler” testimonies. Basically, the ones who have shared their stories of trauma or abuse or hardships.


Molly comes from a wonderful family and has been raised in a Christian household—a gift that wasn’t being fully recognized in that moment. Rightfully so, she’s been protected from some of the worst atrocities of the world. But, this fact made her uncertain about what she could share or contribute from her testimony that would be meaningful.


My heart ached for Molly and for those lies and insecurities that were attempting to permeate the sharing of her testimony. However, her experience is all too common. At Christian campuses across the country, college kids are vying to position themselves as those with the “best” testimony. And, as women, I don’t think we’re much different.


We don’t think the “Raised in the church, baptized as a child, was a good teenager, stayed out of trouble, etc. etc.” narrative is enough. Which means that we don’t think we are enough. We, unrightfully so, believe that we have to prove our worth in His greater story.


We don’t value each other’s stories in the same manner. We judge each other’s worthiness or faithfulness based on our stories, much of which may have been beyond our control. But, it doesn’t have to be this way.


In fact, those stories of trauma or abuse can really serve as distractions from Him when they put the spotlight too securely on ourselves. Our stories should serve to edify and build one another up, not just to satisfy human curiosity.


Beloved daughter, here me on this: It doesn’t matter what your story is or how seemingly “easy” life has or hasn’t been. What matters is that He is in your story. Plain and simple.


Every “good” testimony should point others back to Jesus. Our testimonies are an opportunity to share what He, and He alone, has so graciously done in our lives.

Ultimately, our testimonies are about giving Him the glory, not drawing attention to ourselves.

Sister, I’d love to hear your testimony! Tag me @iamlanijones


Be free,



Grief & Gratitude


Just keeping going…