Do you know who my dad is?

A friend was recently relaying to me how her daughter, Olivia, has been attempting to exert her perceived authority around their church. This little one’s dad is a pastor at this large church, and she walks around milking that fact for all it’s worth—as she should!


When Olivia feels the need to gain access to certain parts of the church or partake in specific events, and, if denied access, she will boldly declare to whomever is the obstacle in front of her, “Do you know who my dad is?!”


Oftentimes, they don’t know who her dad is because, like I said, it’s a large church with an extensive staff. However, this lack of responsiveness hasn’t deterred her from repeatedly boldly and confidently declaring this fact.


I love Olivia’s confidence in claiming who her dad is! She knows who’s she is and to whom she belongs. And she’s not afraid to claim the benefits of that status.


We could learn a few lessons from Olivia. When was the last time you walked around boldly claiming the promises and blessings of being a beloved daughter of the King? If you did, I’d think your spine would straighten just a little bit, those shoulders would go back, and you’d straighten that crown of yours.


Think of a time when a friend or loved one has spoken truth or encouragement into you. Didn’t you get a little spring in your step? When we’re reminded of truth and how loved we are, we’re emboldened to step further and further into our true identities; love gives us the freedom to do just that.


How would your day-to-day life look different if you went around boldly declaring, “Do you know who my Father is?” in the face of the obstacles of life? You probably wouldn’t be avoiding that tough conversation with a friend. Or avoiding asking for that promotion at work. Or putting off making the bold step to fulfill your dream of homeschooling your children. Or delaying starting that new business.


Whatever it is, remember who your Father is. He’s enabled you to fulfill what He’s called you to. He will equip you and meet the need in front of you. He goes before and behind, hemming us in. He’s got you.


Beloved Daughter, go forth boldly declaring who your Father is. And rest in the security, peace, strength, and promises that relationship provides.


Be free,



Your presence is a blessing.


Don’t be an Enabler.