Healing Follows Faith
Healing follows faith; faith comes first.
Oftentimes, we think it’s the other way around. We want to first see the healing—be it physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. If we experience the healing, then that experience will grow our faith. That evidence will enable us to believe.
But, more often than not, it doesn’t work in our seemingly preferred order.
The bleeding woman first had faith. She had the audacity to reach out to touch Jesus’ garment. In faith. Then healing followed. (Luke 8:43-48). A paralyzed man’s friends lowered him through a roof. In faith. Then healing followed (Mark 2:3-12).
These are just a couple examples of the plethora of accounts of healing following expressions of faith. Jesus loves to heal in response to faith!
Maybe you’re in a season of waiting. You feel that you’ve done all of the “faithful” things, but the healing just hasn’t come. Or at least not in the way that you wanted it to. I get it. I do. I know the yearning and the crying out to our Father for relief. For a change of circumstances. For a balm to soothe our weary hearts.
He may seem silent or distant. That may be what our head or emotions is telling us, anyway. But, the truth? He is there. He is in the midst of our pain. He hasn’t left us in the waiting. Our faith isn’t for not. In the waiting, He tells us, “My grace is sufficient for you (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Beloved daughter, keep leaning in. Keep growing your faith.
In what area of your life are you seeking healing? In what area of your life do you need to step forth in faith?
Be free,