Find Your Tribe: It Matters

Let me introduce you to my tribe. These 3 strong, brilliant, compassionate, beautiful, courageous, wise women are all incredibly unique and have hearts that love Jesus. Have you seen the memes stating, “A good friend will bail you out of jail, but your best friend will be sitting next to you saying, ‘Dang, that was fun!’” 

In a way, that kind of sums of my tribe and their diversity. Without hesitation, there is one member who would faithfully be sitting next to me in the jail, a second enthusiastic member would be outside of the cell high-fiving us, and a third responsible and reliable member would be bailing us out (hopefully!). 

We were created for relationships and community. And when we come together, lean into each other’s unique gifts and callings, we have a front row seat to witnessing beauty at its finest.

I'm often asked how I found my tribe. The short answer: it didn't happen overnight. The longest member has been around for nearing 20 years and the newest joined the club about 7 years ago. They each are from a key season of my life, and, for some grace-filled reason, they've stuck by me. Through the super messy, hard, dark days of life as well as the joys, excitement, and laughter of new seasons. 

They continually prop me up and point me back to Him. We've laughed and cried together too many times to count. And, just as iron sharpens iron, we sharpen each other. It's not all fun and games, we hold each other's feet to the fire. We hold each other accountable. And speak truth in love, even when it's hard and uncomfortable. There’s been plenty of time that I’d rather go cower alone in the corner. But I lean in. Because that’s where the gems lie.

Maybe you haven’t found your tribe yet. Maybe you’ve been left wondering why those spaces in your life feel so empty. If you're praying for your tribe, He is faithful. Keep praying. They will come. But you have to be willing to be vulnerable. And authentic. And to show up. They take work. And they take intentionality.

Speaking of intentionality: Meg and I met at church. It was her first time attending there and my second. After the service, she literally turned around and said something to the effect of, “It’s really hard to make friends as an adult. Do you want to exchange cell numbers and grab coffee?” And the rest is history!

Here’s your encouragement to be brave! You never know what gems lie on the path ahead.

Tribes are messy and hard, but they're worth every second of investment. We weren't created to do life alone.

Now, tell me about your tribe! What are they like?

- Lani


Just keeping going…


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