Rest Time with God & Why You Should Do It
Part 3 of 3
By this point, you may have read the other blogs and have been thinking something along the lines of NOT a chance this is happening. She’s clearly not living in reality like the rest of us. I’m a wife and mother, ain’t nobody got time for all that. Or ain’t nobody have the luxury of getting away from ‘real life’ that frequently.
The hard truth: We make time and space for what’s important to us.
If you’re in the season where rest time with God means having the neighbor come over so that you can take a 10-minute walk around the neighborhood, do it! Or if it means that after the littles are in bed, you lock yourself in the bathroom for 15-minutes before one of them starts crying for you, do it! If you meet God most closely on a golf course, then go book that weekend getaway and meet Him on the links. Seriously, I mean it!
Whatever your intentional time looks like, God will honor the effort. Even if you’ve only got 5-minutes, He can move mountains in that time frame—no problem! When we get intentional about our relationship with God and our pursuit of Him, that’s where the magic happens. If I’ve learned anything during these rest times, it’s that the spectacular often happens in the seemingly mundane when we least expect it.
When I enter a rest time, I sometimes come with specific requests. Occasionally, I see those answers in the midst of those times. But, more often than not, I may see those answers weeks or months later. And, with some, I’m still waiting, hoping, and praying for them years later. The more you ask, the more you learn to trust—in His perfect timing and in His perfect answers. We don’t get to pick and choose when we see the fruits; but, if we keep leaning in, they will come. Be bold in your asks and in your conversation with Him! He can handle whatever you bring His way!
As a word of caution: These intentional times can’t operate in isolation. Meaning, they should just be a spring board to reinforce or compliment what you’re doing day in and day out of your regularly scheduled life. Nothing in life is wasted, no matter how small it may seem. All relationships take time to nurture and build and love. Your relationship with your Savior is no different. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
The point is, just show up. And trust that God is going to show up too, wherever that may be. As Phillip Yancey writes in What’s so Amazing About Grace, contemplating how God must feel when one of His children turns back to Him: “When one of those two-legged humans pays attention to me, it feels like I just reclaimed my most valuable possession, which I had given up for lost.”
Oh, beloved daughter, go meet with the Creator of the Universe, your Father. He’s waiting for you!
- Lani